"U.S. Bureau of the Census, International Data Base"

"Table 060. Population by Literacy, Age, Sex, and Urban/Rural Residence"
"Country or area/","              ","              ","         ","            ","            ","         ","            ","            ","         "
"Year/           ","    Both sexes","    Both sexes","Both sexe","        Male","        Male","     Male","      Female","      Female","   Female"
"Res/            ","         total","      literate"," literate","       total","    literate"," literate","       total","    literate"," literate"
"Age             ","    population","    population","  percent","  population","  population","  percent","  population","  population","  percent"
"American Samoa/1980/Total"

"Total,  15+     ",         19090,         18583,    97.34,        9486,        9246,    97.47,        9604,        9337,    97.22
" 15-19          ",          3849,          3761,    97.71,        1878,        1837,    97.82,        1971,        1924,    97.61
" 20-24          ",          3057,          2983,    97.58,        1390,        1362,    97.99,        1667,        1621,    97.24
" 25-34          ",          4454,          4362,    97.93,        2185,        2134,    97.67,        2269,        2228,    98.19
" 35-44          ",          3113,          3057,    98.20,        1686,        1655,    98.16,        1427,        1402,    98.25
" 45-54          ",          2261,          2190,    96.86,        1159,        1123,    96.89,        1102,        1067,    96.82
" 55-64          ",          1411,          1354,    95.96,         721,         695,    96.39,         690,         659,    95.51
" 65+            ",           945,           876,    92.70,         467,         440,    94.22,         478,         436,    91.21
"Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, International" 
"        Data Base."