"U.S. Bureau of the Census, International Data Base"

"Table 095. Economically Active Population,by Age,Sex,Industry & Urban/Rural Res"
"Country or area/","             ","            ","           ","             ","            ","             ","             ","             ","  Financing,","           ","           "
"Year/           ","             ","Agriculture,","           ","             ","            ","             ","Wholesale and","             ","  insurance,","  Community","           "
"Res/            ","             ","   forestry,","           ","             ","            ","             ","retail trade,","   Transport,","real estate,"," social and","           "
"Sex/            ","             "," hunting and"," Mining and","             ","            "," Electricity,"," restaurants,"," storage, and","and business","   personal","           "
"Age             ","        Total","     fishing","  quarrying","Manufacturing","Construction","gas and water","   and hotels","communication","    services","   services","    Unknown"
"Marshall Islands/1980/Total/Both s"

"Total,  16+     ","             ",          42,       (NA),          114,         372,         (NA),          543,          302,         635,       1588,         98
" 16-19          ","             ",           3,       (NA),            6,          15,         (NA),           32,            9,           9,         33,          8
" 20-24          ","             ",           7,       (NA),           24,          50,         (NA),          100,           52,          43,        146,         19
" 25-29          ","             ",          10,       (NA),           21,          77,         (NA),           95,           82,          93,        268,          9
" 30-34          ","             ",           6,       (NA),           15,          47,         (NA),           86,           54,         138,        321,         12
" 35-44          ","             ",           5,       (NA),           16,          71,         (NA),          111,           59,         155,        422,         12
" 45-54          ","             ",           5,       (NA),           10,          68,         (NA),           64,           31,         115,        256,         20
" 55-59          ","             ",           3,       (NA),            6,          23,         (NA),           27,            6,          43,         76,          6
" 60-64          ","             ",           2,       (NA),            8,          15,         (NA),           17,            4,          30,         36,          5
" 65+            ","             ",           1,       (NA),            8,           6,         (NA),           11,            5,           9,         30,          7

"Marshall Islands/1980/Total/Male"

"Total,  16+     ","             ",          39,       (NA),           91,         361,         (NA),          319,          285,         519,       1166,         59
" 16-19          ","             ",           3,       (NA),            3,          13,         (NA),           12,            8,           8,         18,          4
" 20-24          ","             ",           7,       (NA),           17,          47,         (NA),           45,           48,          32,         84,         11
" 25-29          ","             ",          10,       (NA),           19,          76,         (NA),           56,           75,          78,        174,          5
" 30-34          ","             ",           6,       (NA),           12,          45,         (NA),           48,           53,         115,        249,          9
" 35-44          ","             ",           3,       (NA),           15,          70,         (NA),           64,           56,         131,        345,          8
" 45-54          ","             ",           5,       (NA),            7,          66,         (NA),           50,           31,          88,        197,         11
" 55-59          ","             ",           2,       (NA),            3,          23,         (NA),           21,            6,          35,         52,          4
" 60-64          ","             ",           2,       (NA),            8,          15,         (NA),           14,            4,          24,         27,          3
" 65+            ","             ",           1,       (NA),            7,           6,         (NA),            9,            4,           8,         20,          4

"Marshall Islands/1980/Total/Female"

"Total,  16+     ","             ",           3,       (NA),           23,          11,         (NA),          224,           17,         116,        422,         39
" 16-19          ","             ",           0,       (NA),            3,           2,         (NA),           20,            1,           1,         15,          4
" 20-24          ","             ",           0,       (NA),            7,           3,         (NA),           55,            4,          11,         62,          8
" 25-29          ","             ",           0,       (NA),            2,           1,         (NA),           39,            7,          15,         94,          4
" 30-34          ","             ",           0,       (NA),            3,           2,         (NA),           38,            1,          23,         72,          3
" 35-44          ","             ",           2,       (NA),            1,           1,         (NA),           47,            3,          24,         77,          4
" 45-54          ","             ",           0,       (NA),            3,           2,         (NA),           14,            0,          27,         59,          9
" 55-59          ","             ",           1,       (NA),            3,           0,         (NA),            6,            0,           8,         24,          2
" 60-64          ","             ",           0,       (NA),            0,           0,         (NA),            3,            0,           6,          9,          2
" 65+            ","             ",           0,       (NA),            1,           0,         (NA),            2,            1,           1,         10,          3
"Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, International" 
"        Data Base."