"U.S. Bureau of the Census, International Data Base"
"Table 069. Economically Active Population,by Age,Sex, and Urban/Rural Residence"
"Country or area/"," "," "," "," "
"Year/ "," "," "," "," "
"Res/ "," "," "," Active"," Unknown"
"Sex/ "," Total"," Active"," percent of"," activity"
"Age "," population"," population"," total"," status"
"Marshall Islands/1980/Total/Both s"
"Total, 16+ ", 14659, 4405, 30.05, (NA)
" 16-19 ", 2321, 208, 8.96, (NA)
" 20-24 ", 2601, 616, 23.68, (NA)
" 25-29 ", 2225, 785, 35.28, (NA)
" 30-34 ", 1779, 763, 42.89, (NA)
" 35-44 ", 1955, 926, 47.37, (NA)
" 45-54 ", 1508, 636, 42.18, (NA)
" 55-59 ", 664, 225, 33.89, (NA)
" 60-64 ", 642, 144, 22.43, (NA)
" 65-74 ", 667, 88, 13.19, (NA)
" 75+ ", 297, 14, 4.71, (NA)
"Marshall Islands/1980/Total/Male"
"Total, 16+ ", 7370, 3294, 44.69, (NA)
" 16-19 ", 1108, 126, 11.37, (NA)
" 20-24 ", 1223, 402, 32.87, (NA)
" 25-29 ", 1145, 588, 51.35, (NA)
" 30-34 ", 930, 589, 63.33, (NA)
" 35-44 ", 1044, 732, 70.11, (NA)
" 45-54 ", 785, 496, 63.18, (NA)
" 55-59 ", 332, 169, 50.90, (NA)
" 60-64 ", 359, 117, 32.59, (NA)
" 65-74 ", 319, 65, 20.38, (NA)
" 75+ ", 128, 10, 7.81, (NA)
"Marshall Islands/1980/Total/Female"
"Total, 16+ ", 7289, 1111, 15.00, (NA)
" 16-19 ", 1213, 82, 6.00, (NA)
" 20-24 ", 1378, 214, 15.00, (NA)
" 25-29 ", 1080, 197, 18.00, (NA)
" 30-34 ", 849, 174, 20.00, (NA)
" 35-44 ", 911, 194, 21.00, (NA)
" 45-54 ", 723, 140, 19.00, (NA)
" 55-59 ", 332, 56, 16.00, (NA)
" 60-64 ", 283, 27, 9.00, (NA)
" 65-74 ", 348, 23, 6.00, (NA)
" 75+ ", 169, 4, 2.00, (NA)
"Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, International"
" Data Base."