"U.S. Bureau of the Census, International Data Base"
"Table 004. Enumerated and Adjusted Census Population by Age,Sex,Urban/Rural Res"
"Country or area/","               ","               ","               "
"Year/           ","               ","               ","               "
"Res/            ","               ","               ","               "
"Type/           ","               ","               ","               "
"Age             ","     Both sexes","           Male","         Female"
"Marshall Islands/1980/Total/Enu"
"Total, all ages ",          30873,          15851,          15022
"  0             ",           1545,            796,            749
"  1- 4          ",           4957,           2581,           2376
"  5- 9          ",           5023,           2661,           2362
" 10-14          ",           4054,           2117,           1937
" 15-19          ",           2956,           1434,           1522
" 20-24          ",           2601,           1223,           1378
" 25-29          ",           2225,           1142,           1083
" 30-34          ",           1779,            930,            849
" 35-39          ",           1136,            608,            528
" 40-44          ",            819,            436,            383
" 45-49          ",            809,            409,            400
" 50-54          ",            699,            376,            323
" 55-59          ",            664,            332,            332
" 60-64          ",            642,            359,            283
" 65-69          ",            423,            212,            211
" 70-74          ",            244,            107,            137
" 75+            ",            297,            128,            169
"Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, International" 
"        Data Base."