"U.S. Bureau of the Census, International Data Base"

"Table 060. Population by Literacy, Age, Sex, and Urban/Rural Residence"
"Country or area/","              ","              ","         ","            ","            ","         ","            ","            ","         "
"Year/           ","    Both sexes","    Both sexes","Both sexe","        Male","        Male","     Male","      Female","      Female","   Female"
"Res/            ","         total","      literate"," literate","       total","    literate"," literate","       total","    literate"," literate"
"Age             ","    population","    population","  percent","  population","  population","  percent","  population","  population","  percent"
"Marshall Islands/1980/Total"

"Total, all ages ",         24371,         22138,    90.84,       12474,       11317,    90.72,       11897,       10821,    90.96
"  5- 9          ",          5023,          3714,    73.94,        2661,        1945,    73.09,        2362,        1769,    74.89
" 10-14          ",          4054,          3761,    92.77,        2117,        1944,    91.83,        1937,        1817,    93.80
" 15-19          ",          2956,          2844,    96.21,        1434,        1380,    96.23,        1522,        1464,    96.19
" 20-24          ",          2601,          2516,    96.73,        1223,        1183,    96.73,        1378,        1333,    96.73
" 25-29          ",          2225,          2156,    96.90,        1142,        1113,    97.46,        1083,        1043,    96.31
" 30-34          ",          1779,          1732,    97.36,         930,         916,    98.49,         849,         816,    96.11
" 35-44          ",          1955,          1888,    96.57,        1044,        1022,    97.89,         911,         866,    95.06
" 45-54          ",          1508,          1453,    96.35,         785,         767,    97.71,         723,         686,    94.88
" 55-59          ",           664,           627,    94.43,         332,         316,    95.18,         332,         311,    93.67
" 60-64          ",           642,           594,    92.52,         359,         333,    92.76,         283,         261,    92.23
" 65-74          ",           667,           607,    91.00,         319,         289,    90.60,         348,         318,    91.38
" 75-84          ",           236,           197,    83.47,         103,          87,    84.47,         133,         110,    82.71
" 85+            ",            61,            49,    80.33,          25,          22,    88.00,          36,          27,    75.00
"Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, International" 
"        Data Base."