"U.S. Bureau of the Census, International Data Base"

"Table 098. Economically Active Population,by Age,Sex,Occupation & Urban/Rural Res"
"                ","             ","             ","              ","            ","             ","Agricultural,","              ","           ","           ","              "
"Country or area/","             ","   Scientists","              ","            ","             ","       animal","Production and","           ","           ","              "
"Year/           ","             ","   technical,","              ","            ","             ","   husbandry,","      related,","           ","           ","              "
"Res/            ","             ","professional,","Administrative","Clerical and","             ","    forestry,","     transport","           ","           ","              "
"Sex/            ","             ","  and related","and managerial","     related","             ","  fishing and","equipment, and","    Service","           ","Members of the"
"Age             ","        Total","      workers","       workers","     workers","Sales workers","      hunting","      laborers","    workers","    Unknown","  Armed Forces"
"Palau/1980/Total/Both s"

"Total,  16+     ","             ",          587,           189,         345,          185,           65,           864,        430,         80,          (NA)
" 16-19          ","             ",           28,             2,          25,           33,           10,            74,         15,          9,          (NA)
" 20-24          ","             ",           57,             6,          67,           49,           16,           166,         50,         15,          (NA)
" 25-29          ","             ",           98,            29,         105,           28,            7,           114,         47,         10,          (NA)
" 30-34          ","             ",          142,            37,          64,           16,           10,            96,         65,          8,          (NA)
" 35-44          ","             ",          152,            59,          64,           35,            5,           177,        102,          7,          (NA)
" 45-54          ","             ",           73,            37,          15,           10,           10,           142,         77,         15,          (NA)
" 55-59          ","             ",           19,            11,           3,            5,            1,            50,         37,          5,          (NA)
" 60-64          ","             ",           11,             5,           2,            5,            3,            33,         20,          5,          (NA)
" 65+            ","             ",            7,             3,           0,            4,            3,            12,         17,          6,          (NA)


"Total,  16+     ","             ",          346,           158,         126,           58,           55,           794,        242,         31,          (NA)
" 16-19          ","             ",           26,             2,          14,            5,           10,            61,         10,          2,          (NA)
" 20-24          ","             ",           39,             4,          20,            5,           16,           157,         30,          8,          (NA)
" 25-29          ","             ",           49,            18,          33,           12,            4,           105,         26,          4,          (NA)
" 30-34          ","             ",           69,            32,          22,            8,            9,            90,         40,          3,          (NA)
" 35-44          ","             ",           80,            49,          21,           14,            3,           165,         49,          4,          (NA)
" 45-54          ","             ",           52,            35,          12,            4,            9,           132,         41,          2,          (NA)
" 55-59          ","             ",           16,            10,           3,            1,            1,            44,         16,          3,          (NA)
" 60-64          ","             ",            9,             1,           0,            5,            1,            29,         16,          4,          (NA)
" 65+            ","             ",            6,             3,           0,            4,            2,            11,         14,          1,          (NA)


"Total,  16+     ","             ",          241,            31,         219,          127,           10,            70,        188,         49,          (NA)
" 16-19          ","             ",            2,             0,          11,           28,            0,            13,          5,          7,          (NA)
" 20-24          ","             ",           18,             2,          47,           44,            0,             9,         20,          7,          (NA)
" 25-29          ","             ",           49,            11,          72,           16,            3,             9,         21,          6,          (NA)
" 30-34          ","             ",           73,             5,          42,            8,            1,             6,         25,          5,          (NA)
" 35-44          ","             ",           72,            10,          43,           21,            2,            12,         53,          3,          (NA)
" 45-54          ","             ",           21,             2,           3,            6,            1,            10,         36,         13,          (NA)
" 55-59          ","             ",            3,             1,           0,            4,            0,             6,         21,          2,          (NA)
" 60-64          ","             ",            2,             4,           2,            0,            2,             4,          4,          1,          (NA)
" 65+            ","             ",            1,             0,           0,            0,            1,             1,          3,          5,          (NA)
"Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, International" 
"        Data Base."