Table 6.2. Sex and Literacy, Sex and School attendance by Educational attainment
    Less than 9th to High School Some coll Bach- MS and Percent Percent
Age Total 9th grade 12th graduate and Assoc elors above HS Grad BA/BS+
Total 53,976 15,663 7,850 20,761 6,656 1,991 1,055 56.4 5.6
Literate 50,642 13,924 7,430 19,825 6,452 1,961 1,049 57.8 5.9
Illiterate 3,334 1,739 420 935 204 30 6 35.2 1.1
Total 26,373 8,155 3,868 10,182 2,764 947 456 54.4 5.3
Literate 24,760 7,310 3,676 9,721 2,651 947 456 55.6 5.7
Illiterate 1,613 846 192 462 114 0 0 35.7 0.0
Total 27,603 7,508 3,982 10,578 3,892 1,043 600 58.4 6.0
Literate 25,882 6,614 3,754 10,104 3,802 1,013 594 59.9 6.2
Illiterate 1,721 894 228 474 90 30 6 34.9 2.1
Source: 2015 American Samoa Household Income and Expenditures Survey
       School attendance
     Total 53,976 15,663 7,850 20,761 6,656 1,991 1,055 56.4 5.6
No has not attended 34,559 3,202 3,598 19,447 5,517 1,847 947 80.3 8.1
Yes public school or college 17,432 11,058 4,018 1,199 1,001 108 48 13.5 0.9
Yes private school or college 1,985 1,403 234 114 138 36 60 17.5 4.8
       School attendance
Total 26,373 8,155 3,868 10,182 2,764 947 456 54.4 5.3
No has not attended 16,707 1,739 1,751 9,571 2,357 870 420 79.1 7.7
Yes public school or college 8,707 5,709 2,003 552 366 60 18 11.4 0.9
Yes private school or college 959 708 114 60 42 18 18 14.4 3.8
       School attendance
Total 27,603 7,508 3,982 10,578 3,892 1,043 600 58.4 6.0
No has not attended 17,852 1,463 1,847 9,877 3,160 977 528 81.5 8.4
Yes public school or college 8,725 5,349 2,015 648 636 48 30 15.6 0.9
Yes private school or college 1,025 696 120 54 96 18 42 20.5 5.9