Table   E06  .  Computers and Accessories by District, American Samoa: 2015
Computers and Cases Total paid Average Paid
Accessories Total Eastern Western Manu'a Total Eastern Western Manu'a Total Eastern Western Manu'a
Desktop computer 300 120 180 0 $293,478 $101,938 $191,540 $0 $978 $849 $1,064 #DIV/0!
Laptop notebook computer 971 414 534 24 $636,110 $253,228 $376,586 $6,297 $655 $612 $705 $262
Tablet computer iPad 935 516 378 42 $438,639 $234,495 $194,167 $9,978 $469 $454 $514 $238
Electronic reader 54 18 24 12 $11,040 $3,370 $4,971 $2,699 $204 $187 $207 $225
Combine print/fax/copier 90 30 54 6 $39,530 $10,793 $28,286 $450 $439 $360 $524 $75
Copier 48 24 24 0 $11,484 $4,737 $6,746 $0 $239 $197 $281 $0
Printer/photo printer 120 48 72 0 $19,345 $7,520 $11,826 $0 $161 $157 $164 $0
Scanner 30 12 18 0 $5,877 $3,299 $2,579 $0 $196 $275 $143 $0
CD/DVD burner 66 24 42 0 $13,840 $8,629 $5,211 $0 $210 $360 $124 $0
DVD/memory stick 144 84 54 6 $16,341 $12,624 $2,819 $900 $113 $150 $52 $150
Flash drive 414 192 204 18 $23,939 $13,290 $9,871 $780 $58 $69 $48 $43
External memory/hard drive 168 72 90 6 $18,494 $6,140 $11,214 $1,139 $110 $85 $125 $190
Software and accessories 42 12 30 0 $10,074 $2,099 $7,976 $0 $240 $175 $266 $0
Wireless router/printer 96 42 54 0 $16,107 $3,988 $12,119 $0 $168 $95 $224 $0
Source: 2015 American Samoa Household Income and Expenditures Survey