Table 3. Marital Status by District, TTPI: 1970
Marital Status Total Marianas Marshalls Palau FSM Total Ponape Truk Yap
     Total, 14 years and over 51,688 5,145 13,225 6,365 26,953 10,100 12,276 4,577
Single 17,705 2,103 4,558 2,673 8,371 3,546 3,372 1,453
Married 30,077 2,806 7,729 3,275 16,267 5,926 7,766 2,575
    Legally married 24,607 2,637 5,988 3,121 12,861 5,256 5,318 2,287
    Consensually married 4,614 107 1,578 21 2,908 517 2,182 209
    Separated 856 62 163 133 498 153 266 79
Widowed 2,551 221 595 209 1,526 459 714 353
Divorced 1,355 15 343 208 789 169 424 196
     Males, 14 years and over 26,644 2,626 7,234 3,210 13,574 5,112 6,109 2,353
Single 10,013 1,147 2,715 1,432 4,719 1,964 1,909 846
Married 15,290 1,415 4,072 1,666 8,137 2,951 3,888 1,298
    Legally married 12,584 1,327 3,209 1,613 6,435 2,632 2,647 1,156
    Consensually married 2,315 53 776 10 1,476 249 1,123 104
    Separated 391 35 87 43 226 70 118 38
Widowed 702 59 185 49 409 128 180 101
Divorced 639 5 262 63 309 69 132 108
      Females, 14 years and over 25,044 2,519 5,991 3,155 13,379 4,988 6,167 2,224
Single 7,692 956 1,843 1,241 3,652 1,582 1,463 607
Married 14,787 1,391 3,657 1,609 8,130 2,975 3,878 1,277
    Legally married 12,023 1,310 2,779 1,508 6,426 2,624 2,671 1,131
    Consensually married 2,299 54 802 11 1,432 268 1,059 105
    Separated 465 27 76 90 272 83 148 41
Widowed 1,849 162 410 160 1,117 331 534 252
Divorced 716 10 81 145 480 100 292 88
Source: 1970 US Census of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands