Table 1.  Population of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: 1925 to 1958
[Minus sign (-) denotes decrease)]
Year Land area in square miles Population
Total Per square  
1958 70,724 6,732 10.5
1955 63,992 9,149 16.7
1950 54,843 -80,865 -59.6
1940 135,708 37,143 37.7
1935 98,565 28,939 41.6
1930 69,626 13,332 23.7
1925 56,294
Notes: 1955 from US Department of the Interior, 1955 Annual Report on the TTPI; 1950 from US Navy;
          large numebrs of Japanese repatriated to Japan as result of World War II; 1925 to 1935
          from Japanese census reports
Table 2.  Area and Population of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, by Districts: 1958
Year Land area in square miles Population
Total Per square  
     Total 660.3 70,724 107.1
Marshalls 61.0 14,163 232.2
Palau 189.7 8,987 47.4
Ponape 174.3 13,620 78.1
Rota 32.9 969 29.5
Saipan 109.4 7,321 66.9
Truk 47.3 20,124 425.5
Yap 45.7 5,540 121.2