Table 2 Relationship by District, TTPI: 1970
Relationship   Total Marianas Marshalls Palau FSM Total Ponape Truk Yap
     Total population 90,940 9,640 22,888 11,210 47,202 18,536 21,041 7,625
In households 87,148 9,568 20,787 10,769 46,024 18,267 20,673 7,084
    Head of household 15,214 1,571 4,400 1,750 7,493 2,752 3,311 1,430
            Persons per household 5.73 6.09 4.72 6.15 6.14 6.64 6.24 4.95
        Family head 12,980 1,450 3,052 1,625 6,853 2,539 3,058 1,256
            Male 11,582 1,303 2,799 1,384 6,096 2,277 2,768 1,051
            Female 1,398 147 253 241 757 262 290 205
        Primary individual 2,234 121 1,348 125 640 213 253 174
            Male 1,837 79 1,267 71 420 131 187 102
            Female 397 42 81 54 220 82 66 72
    Wife of head 10,167 1,171 2,453 1,238 5,305 2,011 2,396 898
    Child of head 44,072 5,697 9,019 6,234 23,122 9,443 10,291 3,388
    Other relative of head 15,290 1,027 3,876 1,402 8,985 3,878 4,126 981
    Not related to head 2,405 102 1,039 145 1,119 183 549 387
In Group Quarters 3,792 72 2,101 441 1,178 269 368 541
Persons per household 35 6.09 4.72 6.15 18 6.64 6.24 4.95
Source: 1970 US Census of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands