Table 5. Resience in 1965 by District, TTPI: 1970
Residence in 1965 Total Marianas Marshalls Palau FSM Total Ponape Truk Yap
      Total 5 years and over 75,343 7,886 18,772 9,407 39,278 15,165 17,601 6,512
Same house 57,402 6,160 13,183 7,422 30,637 12,161 13,504 4,972
            Percent 76.2 78.1 70.2 78.9 78.0 80.2 76.7 76.4
Different house 13,921 1,566 4,567 1,404 6,384 2,446 2,786 1,152
    In United States 2,731 247 2,221 68 195 68 64 63
    In U.S. territory 10,654 1,227 2,153 1,156 6,118 2,347 2,700 1,071
    In foreign country 536 92 193 180 71 31 22 18
Moved, residence not reported 4,020 160 1,022 581 2,257 558 1,311 388
Source: 1970 US Census of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands