Table 2. Population by Citizenship, Sex, and District of Residence, Guam: 1953
Municipality or Total U.S. Citizens Non-Citizens Number of Habitable
District Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Families Dwellings
     Total 32,822 16,549 16,273 30,858 15,151 15,707 1,964 1,398 566 6,237 5,373
Agana 1,037 532 505 862 408 454 175 124 51 204 191
Agat 2,078 966 1,112 1,962 897 1,065 116 69 47 385 316
Asan 1,502 770 732 1,416 704 712 86 66 20 275 376
Barriagda 4,066 2,004 2,062 3,892 1,893 1,999 174 111 63 812 748
Dededo 1,601 806 795 1,526 756 770 75 50 25 312 310
Inarajan 1,484 718 766 1,483 717 766 1 1 0 267 240
Merizo 1,162 587 575 1,147 577 570 15 10 5 224 171
Mongmong-Toto 1,516 743 773 1,464 709 755 52 34 18 275 292
Piti 1,233 606 627 1,088 520 568 145 86 59 227 241
Santa Rita 1,532 728 804 1,503 706 797 29 22 7 307 234
Sinajana 4,002 1,985 2,017 3,843 1,859 1,984 159 126 33 770 608
Talofofo 1,054 531 523 987 492 495 67 39 28 164 142
Tamuning-Tumon 2,615 1,602 1,013 2,042 1,148 894 573 454 119 370 355
Umatac 609 293 316 608 292 316 1 1 0 112 96
Yigo 908 466 442 876 446 430 32 20 12 172 158
Yona 1,630 794 836 1,567 756 811 63 38 25 341 256
Agana Heights 2,400 1,217 1,183 2,261 1,118 1,143 139 99 40 562 212
Chalan Pago-Ordot 1,365 689 676 1,319 653 666 46 36 10 240 212
Mangilao 1,028 512 516 1,012 500 512 16 12 4 218 215
Source: Island-Wide Census as of April 30, 1953, taken by Municipal Comminssioners    
Note: Excludes transients residing in Military Reservations