Table 3. Citizenship, Year Came, and Reason Came by Sex and Age, Guam: 2005 Table 3. Citizenship, Year Came, and Reason Came by Sex and Age, Guam: 2005
Citizenship Total Citizenship Male Female
Year and Reason Came Total 0 - 14 15 - 29 30 - 44 45 - 59 60+ Median Year and Reason Came Total 0 - 14 15 - 29 30 - 44 45 - 59 60+ Median Total 0 - 14 15 - 29 30 - 44 45 - 59 60+ Median
   Citizenship    Citizenship
     Total 149,696 40,704 33,216 27,328 27,840 20,608 30.5      Total 73,664 21,696 16,192 12,544 13,824 9,408 29.0 76,032 19,008 17,024 14,784 14,016 11,200 32.0
Yes born on Guam 91,776 34,240 22,400 13,760 12,032 9,344 22.8 Yes born on Guam 45,824 18,304 11,520 6,144 5,760 4,096 21.0 45,952 15,936 10,880 7,616 6,272 5,248 24.7
Yes born in the US Puerto Rico or CNMI 9,408 1,472 2,624 1,984 2,368 960 34.6 Yes born in the US Puerto Rico or CNMI 4,928 640 1,216 1,216 1,344 512 37.5 4,480 832 1,408 768 1,024 448 30.0
Yes born abroad of US parent 2,880 1,216 704 512 256 192 19.8 Yes born abroad of US parent 1,728 832 320 384 192 0 16.5 1,152 384 384 128 64 192 22.5
Yes US citizen by naturalization 22,528 896 2,368 4,288 8,384 6,592 51.6 Yes US citizen by naturalization 11,200 384 1,280 1,600 4,288 3,648 53.2 11,328 512 1,088 2,688 4,096 2,944 50.0
No not citizen (permanent) 17,856 1,856 3,840 4,992 4,160 3,008 39.7 No not citizen (permanent) 7,360 960 1,088 2,496 1,920 896 39.8 10,496 896 2,752 2,496 2,240 2,112 39.6
No not citizen (temporary) 3,904 704 1,024 1,472 448 256 32.3 No not citizen (temporary) 1,920 448 704 576 128 64 25.9 1,984 256 320 896 320 192 37.0
Not Stated 1,344 320 256 320 192 256 34.5 Not Stated 704 128 64 128 192 192 47.5 640 192 192 192 0 64 25.0
   Year came    Year came
     Total 49,216 4,608 9,664 11,904 13,504 9,536 43.0      Total 23,552 2,368 4,224 5,760 6,912 4,288 43.5 25,664 2,240 5,440 6,144 6,592 5,248 42.6
2005 2,304 832 192 512 448 320 33.8 2005 1,024 448 64 192 192 128 30.0 1,280 384 128 320 256 192 36.0
2004 1,664 256 640 256 384 128 28.5 2004 640 64 256 128 192 0 30.0 1,024 192 384 128 192 128 27.5
2003 1,792 512 704 256 320 0 23.2 2003 704 320 192 64 128 0 17.5 1,088 192 512 192 192 0 25.3
2000 to 2002 3,968 896 1,408 1,024 320 320 26.6 2000 to 2002 1,856 384 704 512 128 128 26.6 2,112 512 704 512 192 192 26.6
1995 to 1999 9,600 1,216 3,520 2,432 1,920 512 30.4 1995 to 1999 3,968 576 1,472 1,088 704 128 29.3 5,632 640 2,048 1,344 1,216 384 31.4
1990 to 1994 8,448 832 1,472 2,944 2,048 1,152 39.8 1990 to 1994 4,288 512 768 1,472 1,088 448 38.8 4,160 320 704 1,472 960 704 40.8
1980 to 1989 10,240 64 1,408 3,200 3,456 2,112 46.9 1980 to 1989 5,056 64 640 1,408 2,048 896 48.0 5,184 0 768 1,792 1,408 1,216 45.3
Before 1980 11,200 0 320 1,280 4,608 4,992 58.0 Before 1980 6,016 0 128 896 2,432 2,560 57.2 5,184 0 192 384 2,176 2,432 58.9
   Reason came    Reason came
     Total 51,072 5,056 9,728 12,288 14,080 9,920 43.1      Total 24,576 2,560 4,224 5,952 7,296 4,544 43.9 26,496 2,496 5,504 6,336 6,784 5,376 42.4
Employment 10,560 64 512 3,072 4,096 2,816 51.0 Employment 7,616 0 256 2,112 2,944 2,304 52.3 2,944 64 256 960 1,152 512 47.5
Spouse of employed person 6,144 0 448 1,920 2,048 1,728 50.2 Spouse of employed person 1,088 0 128 256 448 256 50.4 5,056 0 320 1,664 1,600 1,472 50.1
Dependent of employed person 11,264 2,752 3,264 2,176 1,792 1,280 28.2 Dependent of employed person 5,056 1,408 1,536 1,152 576 384 25.9 6,208 1,344 1,728 1,024 1,216 896 30.5
Family member of employed person 12,160 1,600 2,816 2,432 3,008 2,304 40.3 Family member of employed person 5,312 704 896 1,344 1,472 896 41.8 6,848 896 1,920 1,088 1,536 1,408 38.4
Student 2,048 64 896 768 192 128 31.3 Student 896 64 384 256 64 128 30.0 1,152 0 512 512 128 0 31.9
Missionary 64 0 0 64 0 0 37.5 Missionary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 64 0 0 64 0 0 37.5
Medical reasons 192 0 0 0 128 64 56.3 Medical reasons 64 0 0 0 64 0 52.5 128 0 0 0 64 64 60.0
Visiting/vacation 2,240 64 640 704 640 192 38.9 Visiting/vacation 1,088 0 384 256 384 64 39.4 1,152 64 256 448 256 128 38.6
Other 6,400 512 1,152 1,152 2,176 1,408 47.6 Other 3,456 384 640 576 1,344 512 46.4 2,944 128 512 576 832 896 49.6
Source: Guam 2005 Labor Force Survey Source: Guam 2005 Labor Force Survey