Table 3. Educational attainment, Educational attainment by Sex and Ethnicity, Guam: December 2005 Table 3. Educational attainment, Educational attainment by Sex and Ethnicity, Guam: December 2005
  Total   Male Female
  Total Chamorro Filipino Chuukese Other FAS Caucasian Others   Total Chamorro Filipino Chuukese Other FAS Caucasian Others Total Chamorro Filipino Chuukese Other FAS Caucasian Others
   Educational attainment    Educational attainment
   Total, 25 years and over 82,496 36,928 28,864 3,136 2,688 4,224 6,656 Total 39,104 17,088 13,888 1,408 896 2,688 3,136 43,392 19,840 14,976 1,728 1,792 1,536 3,520
Less than 5th grade 2,752 832 1,472 128 64 0 256 Less than 5th grade 1,408 384 832 0 0 0 192 1,344 448 640 128 64 0 64
5th to 8th grade 5,824 2,176 2,368 832 256 64 128 5th to 8th grade 2,624 1,088 1,024 448 0 64 0 3,200 1,088 1,344 384 256 0 128
9th to 12th grade no diploma 22,784 14,080 4,480 1,024 1,088 448 1,664 9th to 12th grade no diploma 10,880 6,528 2,368 448 512 256 768 11,904 7,552 2,112 576 576 192 896
High school grad or GED 21,504 10,560 6,272 704 640 1,472 1,856 High school grad or GED 10,944 5,056 3,456 320 192 896 1,024 10,560 5,504 2,816 384 448 576 832
Some college but no degree 10,176 4,288 3,648 448 384 512 896 Some college but no degree 5,248 1,856 2,240 192 192 384 384 4,928 2,432 1,408 256 192 128 512
Associates degree (Occupational) 3,840 1,088 2,304 0 64 256 128 Associates degree (Occupational) 1,920 768 1,024 0 0 64 64 1,920 320 1,280 0 64 192 64
Associates degree (Academic) 2,240 576 1,088 0 64 192 320 Associates degree (Academic) 768 192 384 0 0 128 64 1,472 384 704 0 64 64 256
Bachelor's degree 11,072 2,624 6,592 0 128 704 1,024 Bachelor's degree 4,096 960 2,176 0 0 512 448 6,976 1,664 4,416 0 128 192 576
Master's degree or more 2,304 704 640 0 0 576 384 Master's degree or more 1,216 256 384 0 0 384 192 1,088 448 256 0 0 192 192
Percent High School Grads 62.0 53.7 71.2 36.7 47.6 87.9 69.2 Percent High School Grads 61.9 53.2 69.6 36.4 42.9 88.1 69.4 62.1 54.2 72.6 37.0 50.0 87.5 69.1
Percent College Grads 16.2 9.0 25.1 0.0 4.8 30.3 21.2 Percent College Grads 13.6 7.1 18.4 0.0 0.0 33.3 20.4 18.6 10.6 31.2 0.0 7.1 25.0 21.8
   Educational attainment    Educational attainment
    Total, 18 years and over 96,576 44,672 32,832 4,032 3,072 4,416 7,552 Total 45,888 20,928 15,744 1,728 1,024 2,880 3,584 50,688 23,744 17,088 2,304 2,048 1,536 3,968
Less than 5th grade 2,880 832 1,536 192 64 0 256 Less than 5th grade 1,408 384 832 0 0 0 192 1,472 448 704 192 64 0 64
5th to 8th grade 5,952 2,240 2,368 832 320 64 128 5th to 8th grade 2,688 1,088 1,024 448 64 64 0 3,264 1,152 1,344 384 256 0 128
9th to 12th grade no diploma 27,904 17,408 5,120 1,600 1,152 640 1,984 9th to 12th grade no diploma 13,632 8,384 2,752 640 512 448 896 14,272 9,024 2,368 960 640 192 1,088
High school grad or GED 25,728 13,056 7,616 896 640 1,472 2,048 High school grad or GED 13,120 6,336 4,160 384 192 896 1,152 12,608 6,720 3,456 512 448 576 896
Some college but no degree 13,504 5,824 4,992 512 576 512 1,088 Some college but no degree 6,528 2,432 2,752 256 256 384 448 6,976 3,392 2,240 256 320 128 640
Associates degree (Occupational) 4,032 1,088 2,432 0 64 256 192 Associates degree (Occupational) 2,112 768 1,152 0 0 64 128 1,920 320 1,280 0 64 192 64
Associates degree (Academic) 2,368 640 1,152 0 64 192 320 Associates degree (Academic) 832 256 384 0 0 128 64 1,536 384 768 0 64 64 256
Bachelor's degree 11,840 2,816 6,976 0 192 704 1,152 Bachelor's degree 4,288 960 2,304 0 0 512 512 7,552 1,856 4,672 0 192 192 640
Master's degree or more 2,368 768 640 0 0 576 384 Master's degree or more 1,280 320 384 0 0 384 192 1,088 448 256 0 0 192 192
Percent High School Grads 62.0 54.2 72.5 34.9 50.0 84.1 68.6 Percent High School Grads 61.4 52.9 70.7 37.0 43.8 82.2 69.6 62.5 55.3 74.2 33.3 53.1 87.5 67.7
Percent College Grads 14.7 8.0 23.2 0.0 6.3 29.0 20.3 Percent College Grads 12.1 6.1 17.1 0.0 0.0 31.1 19.6 17.0 9.7 28.8 0.0 9.4 25.0 21.0
Source: Guam Labor Force Surveys Source: Guam Labor Force Surveys