Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Palau 2015 Census|Hamlets|Economic Activity

Table 23. Main Economic Activity by Koror Hamlets, Palau: 2015
 TotalDngerongerIdidIyebukelIkelauMadalaiiMeketiiMeyunsNgerbeched NgerchemaiNgerkebesangNgerkesowaolNgermid
Paid employment6,1213303803553101,260362533708Paid employment702284268613
Employee working for wages in the public sector1,9107712613137267109181308Employee working for wages in the public sector265142106161
Employee working for wages in the private sector3,929227244210261924238333371Employee working for wages in the private sector414127150414
Unpaid employment1,0313944693616952101103Unpaid employment174698590
Producing good for own consumption656010111045Producing good for own consumption10549
Unpaid family worker2300328202Unpaid family worker3102
Unpaid family worker helping with basic household duties88830405829145399288Unpaid family worker helping with basic household duties154637773
Volunteer work5534755158Volunteer work7046
Not in the labour force2,4349414416980344107246420Not in the labour force330153147200
Student full-time1,2224155783516949107220Student full-time1998370116
Student part-time1811004021Student part-time2601
Retired / too old840396767261303882127Retired / too old103426059
None / no work217713151720153061None / no work1010514
Physically / Mentally disabled13768922152511Physically / Mentally disabled16121210
Paid employment3,628184216190196767221302394Paid employment431146153417
Employee working for wages in the public sector1,038365872191486192170Employee working for wages in the public sector157736389
Employee working for wages in the private sector2,400126152111171574147196201Employee working for wages in the private sector2566682307
Unpaid employment3011518231149132726Unpaid employment54262316
Producing good for own consumption3420004524Producing good for own consumption6344
Unpaid family worker1200214101Unpaid family worker2001
Unpaid family worker helping with basic household duties23211141793872419Unpaid family worker helping with basic household duties4323189
Volunteer work2324413012Volunteer work3012
Not in the labour force1,1794262784115057121190Not in the labour force1779170100
Student full-time61719283617762954108Student full-time118493053
Student part-time600002000Student part-time1201
Retired / too old3631726281353173547Retired / too old41242834
None / no work123259101171932None / no work7858
Physically / Mentally disabled70435184133Physically / Mentally disabled10874
   Females   Females
Paid employment2,493146164165114493141231314Paid employment271138115196
Employee working for wages in the public sector872416859181194889138Employee working for wages in the public sector108694372
Employee working for wages in the private sector1,52910192999035091137170Employee working for wages in the private sector1586168107
Unpaid employment73024264625120397477Unpaid employment120436274
Producing good for own consumption3140107521Producing good for own consumption4205
Unpaid family worker1100114101Unpaid family worker1101
Unpaid family worker helping with basic household duties65619264120107326869Unpaid family worker helping with basic household duties111405964
Volunteer work3210342146Volunteer work4034
Not in the labour force1,2555282913919450125230Not in the labour force1536277100
Student full-time60522274218932053112Student full-time81344063
Student part-time1211002021Student part-time1400
Retired / too old4772241391377214780Retired / too old62183225
None / no work945867981129None / no work3206
Physically / Mentally disabled672541131128Physically / Mentally disabled6456
Source: 2015 Palau Census compiled by PacificWeb

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