Friday, February 21, 2025

Pacific Islands Statistics

Pacific Web provides historical data from different pacific island nations. With over forty years of experience that enables us to use data sets from all around the pacific. We are able to make these data accessible easily through tables on our website for students and researchers. You are able to find Pacific Island statistics such as demography, labor force surveys and income and expenditures on our website. Please contact us for any questions or issues. 

Estimated Total Population of the Pacific Islands, excluding Papua New Guinea (Source: World Bank)


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Can i edit the files ?

You are allowed full use of the compiled data on this site. You can edit any information taken from our website. Should you need specialized data, please contact us.

is this public information ?

Some information on our website comes directly from certain governments, countries or entities. These data are public information that can be found on their websites. We make every effort to maintain complete confidentiality.

what are the formats of the data?

You can view most of our downloads in PDF format, Excel, or Word. We are trying to move all compiled data into Excel Sheets and Workbooks.

what programs do you use to compile data?

We are currently using the latest version of CSPro with the census and survey micro data. We cannot provide samples of data unless the respective government statistician provides written directions. All samples will be modified to preserve confidentiality.

What if i use the data on your website?

We ask that you give us credit and share any papers or publications with us. Sharing will allow us to improve the site. If you give permission, we will make your paper available by link on the site.

what if i need more information?

Do not hesitate to contact us. You can  call us or send us an email to

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