Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Republic of Marshall Islands

The Republic of the Marshall Islands is located in the central pacific approx. 2,200 miles west of Honolulu.1,600 miles east of Guam and about 2,600 miles south east of Tokyo. It lies between 4 and 19 degrees N latitude and between 160 & 172 degrees E longitude. The Marshall Islands east of the Carolie Islands are divided into two chains, the western or Ralik group of including the Atoils, Jalut, Kwajalein, Wotho, Bikini and Eniwetok and the eastern or Ratak group including the Atolls Mill, Majuro, Maloelap, Wotje and Likiep. The following are links to tables put together using data from Censuses, Surveys and other data sources. Any questions or comments can be emailed to Pacific Web

Quick Facts

2006 Estimated Population: 60,422
1999 Census Population: 50,840
2001 Gross Domestic Product: $99 mil.
2000 Civilian Labor Force:14,677

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  • 2011 Age
    Tables from 2011 that includes Age as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 2011 Atolls
    Tables from 2011 that includes Atolls as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 2011 Education
    Tables from 2011 that includes Education as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 2011 Habits
    Tables from 2011 that includes Habits (Tobacco/Alchohol use) as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 2011 Income
    Tables from 2011 that includes Income as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 2011 Labor Force
    Tables from 2011 that includes Labor Force as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 2011 Occupation
    Tables from 2011 that includes Occupation as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 2011 Religion
    Tables from 2011 that includes Religion as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 2011 Geography
    Tables from 2011 that includes Geography as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1999 Age
    Tables from 1999 that includes Age as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1999 Atolls
    Tables from 1999 that includes Geography as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1999 Detailed Housing
    Tables from 1999 that includes Detailed Housing as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1999 Economics
    Tables from 1999 that includes Economics as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1999 Education
    Tables from 1999 that includes Education as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1999 Occupation
    Tables from 1999 that includes Occupation as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1999 Religion
    Tables from 1999 that includes Religion as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1988 Age
    Tables from 1988 that includes Age as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1988 Atolls
    Tables from 1988 that includes Geography as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1988 Sector
    Tables from 1988 that include Sector such as public or private sectors as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1988 Economics
    Tables from 1988 that includes Economics as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1988 Education
    Tables from 1988 that includes Education as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1988 Occupation
    Tables from 1988 that includes Occupation as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1988 Housing
    Tables from 1988 that includes Housing as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1980 Age
    Tables from 1980 that includes Age as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1980 Atolls
    Tables from 1980 that includes Islands/Atolls as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1980 Housing
    Tables from 1980 that includes Housing as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1977 Housing
    Tables from 1977 that includes Housing as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1973 Age
    Tables from 1973 that includes Age as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1973 Atolls
    Tables from 1973 that includes Geography (Islands/Atolls) as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1973 Economics
    Tables from 1973 that includes Economics as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.
  • 1973 Education
    Tables from 1973 that includes Education as the primary category, crosstabulation against other topics.

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