With its 27,556-square-km area, the Solomons are the second-largest insular nation of the South Pacific (after Papua New Guinea) with 5,313 km of coastline. This thickly forested, mountainous country, 1,860 km northeast of Australia, is make up of six large islands in a double chain (Choiseul, Isabel, Malaita, and New Georgia, Guadalcanal, Makira), about 20 medium-size ones, and numerous smaller islets and reefs—922 islands in all, 347 of them inhabited. The group stretches more than 1,800 km from the Shortlands in the west to Tikopia and Anuta in the east, and nearly 900 km from Ontong Java in the north to Rennell Island is the south. (Rennell is one of the world’s largest uplifted atolls, while Ontong Java is the South Pacific’s largest true atoll.) The following are links to tables put together using data from Censuses, Surveys and other data sources. Any questions or comments can be emailed to Pacific Web