A proposal for High-frequency Phone Monitoring Surveys | |  |
Capacity for producing economic statistics in the Pacific | |  |
Coordination paper on Technical Assistance on Pacific Core Set of Economic Statistics for the Pacific Island Countries and Territories 2018, revision 1 | |  |
International Guidelines for certification and classification (codin) of Covid-19 as a cause of death | |  |
Maintaining Civil Registration and Vital Statistics during the COVID-19 pandemic | |  |
Pacific Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose 2012 | |  |
Pacific Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 2017 (PACHS17) | |  |
Pacific Island 2016 Populations poster | |  |
Pacific Standard Classification of Occupations 2016: volume 1 – structure and group definitions | |  |
Pacific Standard Classification of Occupations 2016: volume 2 – index of occupational titles | |  |
Pacific Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities 2014 | |  |